Prof. Dr. med.
Franc H. Hetzer
Facharzt für Chirurgie
speziell: Viszeralchirurgie & Koloproktologie
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
Erfahrener Fachspezialist für Viszeralchirurgie
Prof. Dr. med. Franc H. Hetzer, geb. 1963, übernahm die Praxis im Jahr 2019 von Herrn PD Dr. med. Hans Peter Klotz. Als erfahrener Fachspezialist für Viszeralchirurgie führt er Ihre operative Therapie, die Betreuung in der Klinik und die nötige Nachbehandlung in jedem Fall selbst durch. Die sichere, effiziente und insbesondere die individuelle persönliche Behandlung ist sein zentrales Anliegen.
- Praxisübernahme "Viszeralchirurgie Bellaria" | 2019
- Chefarzt Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie, Mitglied der erweiterten Spitalleitung, Spital Linth | 2017 - 2019
- Leitender Arzt, Departement für Chirurgie, Spital Linth, Uznach, Dr. D. Lehnen | 2015 - 2016
- Chefarzt Klinik für Chirurgie Kantonsspital Schaffhausen, Leiter des Departements Operative Disziplinen,
Mitglied Spitalleitung | 2010 - 2015 - Leitender Arzt, Klinik für Chirurgie, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Prof. J. Lange
Leiter Koloproktologie, Kantonsspital St. Gallen & Spital Rorschach | 2006 - 2010 - Oberarzt, Klinik für Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Universitätsspital Zürich, Prof. A. P. Clavien | 2003 - 2006
- Oberassistent, Klinik für Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Universitätsspital Zürich, Prof. A. P. Clavien | 2001
- Privatassistent, Klinik für Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Universitätsspital Zürich, Prof. A. P. Clavien |2000
- Assistenzarzt, Klinik für Chirurgie, Regionalspital Oberengadin, Samedan, Prof. H.P. Simmen | 1999 - 2000
- Assistenzarzt, Klinik für Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Universitätsspital Zürich, Prof. R. Grüssner | 1998 - 1999
- Assistenzarzt, Klinik für Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Universitätsspital Zürich, Prof. F. Largiadèr | 1995 - 1998
- Assistenzarzt, Klinik für Chirurgie, Regionalspital Oberengadin, Samedan, Dr. A. Fenner | 1993 - 1995
- Assistenzarzt, Pathologie, Kantonsspital Winterthur, Prof. H. Egloff und Prof. H. Sulser | 1992 - 1993
Schulen, Studium & Diplome
- Titularprofessor an der Universität Zürich | 2013
- Schwerpunkttitel Viszeralchirurgie | 2008
- Venia legendi an der Universität Zürich "Erworbene Stuhlinkontinenz" | 2006
- European Board of Surgical Qualification (EBSQ): "Colo-Proctology" | 2005
- Facharzt für Chirurgie | 2001
- Doktorarbeit "Postmortale Veränderungen des Ethanol-, Magnesium- und Wassergehaltes in der Leiche" | 1993
- Promotion Medizinstudium | 1991
- Medizinstudium: Universität Zürich | 1986 - 1991
- Maturität Typ C, Kantonsschule Rämibühl Zürich | 1980 - 1985
- Schweizer Gesellschaft für Viszeralchirurgie seit 1996 | Vorstandsmitglied 2013-2019
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie seit 1998
- Schweizer Arbeitsgruppe für laparo- und thorakoskopische Chirurgie seit 1998
- Schweizer Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie seit 1998
- Schweizer Arbeitsgruppe für Koloproktologie seit 1998 | Präsident 2013 - 2014
- Schweizer Gesellschaft für Chirurgie seit 2001
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Viszeralchirurgie seit 2006
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Koloproktologie seit 2007 | Leitlinienverantwortlicher seit 2010
- Swiss Study Group of Sacral Nerve Modulation SSSNM 9/08| Präsident 2008 - 2011
- Member of the Division Coloproctology in the UEMS Section of Surgery since 2010 | Examiner, Secretary and Treasury
- Mitglied der europäischen Expertengruppe für die „Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection“ Technik (STARR)
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
- Schmid RA, Schöb O, Hetzer FH, Schlumpf R, Spiess M, Largiadèr F (1997) Experimental technique for (Laparoscopic) bowel anastomosis: transient endoluminally stented anastomosis (TESA).
Surg Laparosc Endosc.7:281-284
Impact factor: 1.152 (2004) - Inderbitzin D, Schmid R, Hetzer FH, Schöb O (1998) Is growth influencing diameter and function of laparoscopic TESA-hepaticojejunostomy? A comparison of adult minipigs and juvenile domestic swine.
J Invest Surg. 11:115-122
Impact factor: 1.107 (2006) - Hetzer FH, Schmid RA, Inderbitzin D, Schöb O (1998) Laparoscopic sigma resection; a comparative experimental study between double-stapling- and foreign material free biostent-technique (TESA).
J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A.8:285-93
Impact factor 0.718 (2006) - Hilfiker PR, Weishaupt D, Kacel GM, Hetzer FH, Griff MD, Debatin JF (1999) Detection of GI bleeding: assessment of a non-invasive concept based on 3D MRI and blood pool agent in pigs.
Impact factor: 9.002 (2006) - Hetzer FH, Hotz T, Steinke W, Schlumpf R, Decurtins M, Largiadèr F (1999) What is the golden standard for inguinal hernia repair, Shouldice or Lichtenstein? A prospective randomized study on 385 male patients. Hernia: the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery.
3:117-120 (Impact factor: none) - Weishaupt D, Hetzer FH, Ruehm SG, Schmidt M, Patak MA, Debatin JF (2000) 3D MRI for detection of traumatic intra-abdominal hemorrhage and parenchymal injuries.
Eur Radiol.10:1958-64
Impact factor: 2.554 (2006) - Bertschinger KM, Hetzer FH, Treiber K, Marincek B, Hilfiker PR (2002) Dynamic MR Imaging of the Pelvic Floor: Sitting Position in an Open Magnet versus Supine Position in a Closed Magnet. Radiology. 223:501-508 Impact factor: 5.251 (2006)
- Hetzer FH, Demartines N, Handschin AE, Clavien P-A (2002) Stapler versus excision hemorroidectomy: Long term results of a prospective randomized trial.
Arch Surg. 137:337-40
Impact factor: 3.058 (2006) - Hetzer FH, Schäfer M, Demartines N, Clavien P-A (2002) The learning curve and clinical safety of stapled haemorrhoidectomy: a prospective study of 61 patients.
Swiss Surg.8:31-6 (Impact factor: none) - Fantin A, Hetzer F, Christ A, Fried M, Schwizer W (2002) Influence of stapler haemorrhoidectomy on anorectal function and on patients' acceptance.
Swiss Med Wkly. 132:38-42
Impact factor: 1.346 (2006) - Hetzer FH, Künzi W, Schwizer W, Demartines N (2003) Continent colostomy with rectus abdominis neosphincteroplasty: development of an animal model.
Br J Surg. 90:1273-9
Impact factor: 4.606 (2011) - Dvorkin LS, Hetzer F, Scott M, Williams NS, Gedroyc W, Lunniss PJ (2004) Open-Magnet MR Defaecography compared with Evacuation Proctography in the Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Rectal Intussusception.
Colorectal Dis.6:45-53
Impact factor: 2.059 (2007) - Lunniss PJ, Gladman MA, Hetzer FH, Williams NS, Scott SM (2004) Risk factors in acquired faecal incontinence.
J R Soc Med. 97:111-6
Impact factor: 0.685 (2006) - Hetzer FH, Hahnloser D, Knoblauch Y, Löhlein F, Demartines N (2005). New screening technique for Sacral Nerve Stimulation in local anaesthesia.
Tech Coloproctol. 9:25-8
Impact factor: 1.288 (2011) - Williams NS, Giordano P, Dvorkin LS, Huang A, Hetzer FH, Scott SM (2005) External Pelvic Rectal Suspension (The Express Procedure) for Full-Thickness Rectal Prolapse: Evolution of a New Technique.
Dis Colon Rectum. 48:307-16
Impact factor: 3.103 (2011) - Hetzer FH, Tsagari C, Andreisek G, Sahrbacher U, Weishaupt D (2006) MR-Defecography in Patients with Fecal Incontinence – Spectrum of Imaging Findings and Impact on Surgical Management.
Radiology. 240(2):449-57
Impact factor: 5.251 (2006) - Hetzer FH, Hahnloser D, Clavien P-A, Demartines N (2006) Video assisted sacral nerve stimulation.
Tech Coloproctol.10(2):121-3
Impact factor: 1.288 (2011) - Hübner M, Hetzer FH, Weishaupt D, Hahnloser D, Clavien P-A, Demartines N (2006) A prospective comparison between clinical outcome and open-configuration MR-defecography findings before and after surgery for symptomatic rectocele Colorectal
Dis. 8(7):605-11
Impact factor: 2.927 (2011) - Hetzer FH, Bieler A, Hahnloser D, Löhlein F, Clavien P-A, Demartines N (2006) Outcome and cost analysis of sacral nerve stimulation for faecal incontinence
Br J Surg. 93(11):1411-1417
Impact factor: 4.606 (2011) - Hetzer FH, Hahnloser D, Clavien P-A, Demartines N (2007) Quality of Life and Morbidity after permanent Sacral Nerve Stimulation for Fecal Incontinence.
Arch Surg. 142:8-13
Impact factor: 4.239 (2011) - Scholz T, Hetzer FH, Dindo D, Demartines N, Clavien PA, Hahnloser D (2007) Long-term follow-up after combined fissurectomy and Botox injection for chronic anal fissures.
Int J Colorectal Dis. 22:1077-81.
Impact factor: 2.082 (2010) - Hübner M, Hahnloser D, Hetzer F, Müller MK, Clavien P-A, Demartines N (2007) A prospective randomized comparison of two instruments for dissection and vessel sealing in laparoscopie colorectal surgery.
Surg Endosco. 21(4):5924
Impact factor: 4.013 (2011) - Soll C. Hahnloser D, Dindo D, Clavien PA, Hetzer F. (2008) A novel approach for treatment of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus: less is more.
Int J Colorectal Dis. 23(2):177-80.
Impact factor: 2.385 (2011) - Steffen S, Tarantino I, Hetzer FH, Warschkow R, Lange J, Zünd M. (2008) Safety and Morbidity after ultralow coloanal anastomosis: J-pouch vs end-to-end reconstruction.
Int J Colorectal Dis.23(3):277-81.
Impact factor: 2.385 (2011) - Solopova, AE, Hetzer FH, Marincek B, Weishaupt D. (2008) MR Defecography: Prospective Comparison between two different rectal enema compositions.
AJR Am J Roentgenol.190(2):W118-24
Impact factor: 2.775 (2011) - Tarantino I, Hetzer FH, Warschkow R, Zünd M, Stein, Zerz A. (2008) Local excision and endoscopic mesorectal resection vs. low anterior Resection in T1 rectal cancer.
Br J Surg. 95:375-380
Impact factor: 4.606 (2011) - Dindo D, Weishaupt D, Lehmann K, Hetzer FH, Clavien PA, Hahnloser D. (2008) Clinical and morphologic correlation after stapled transanal rectal resection for obstructed defecation syndrome.
Dis Colon Rectum. 51:1768-74.
Impact factor: 3.103 (2011) - Schwandner O, Stuto A, Jayne D, Lenisa L, Pigot F, Tuech J-J, Scherer R, Nuget K, Corbisier F, Basany E, Hetzer FH. (2008) Decision-making Algorithm for the STARR procedure in Obstructed Defecation Syndrom: Position statement of the STARR
Pioneers. Surg Innov.15(2):105-9.
Impact factor: 2.126 (2011) - Scherrer R, Marti L, Hetzer FH. (2008) Perineal Stapled Prolapse Resection: A New Procedure for External Rectal Prolapse.
Dis Colon Rectum. 48:307-16
Impact factor: 3.103 (2011) - Lenisa L, Schwandner O, Stuto A, Jayne D, Pigot F, Tuech J-J, Scherer R, Nuget K, Corbisier F, Basany E, Hetzer FH. (2009) STARR with Contour® TranstarTM: Prospective Multicentre European Study Colorectal
Dis. 11:821-830
Impact factor: 2.927 (2011) - Hausammann R, Steffen T, Weishaupt D, Beutner U, Hetzer FH. (2009) Rectocele and intussusception: is there any coherence in symptoms or additional pelvic floor disorders?
Tech Coloproctol.13(1):17-26
Impact factor: 1.288 (2011) - Bock S, Folie P, Wolff K, Marti L, Engeler DS, Hetzer FH. (2010) First experiences with pudendal nerve stimulation in fecal incontinence: a technical report.
Tech Coloproctol. 14:41
Impact factor: 1.288 (2011) - Wolff K, Marti L, Beutner U, Steffen T, Lange J, Hetzer FH. (2010) Functional Outcome and Quality of Life after Stapled Transanal Rectum Resection for Obstructed Defecation Syndrome.
Dis Colon Rectum. 53:881-888
Impact factor: 3.103 (2011) - Fischer A, Tarantino I, Warschkow R, Lange J, Zerz A, Hetzer FH. (2010) Is sphincter preservation reasonable in all patients with rectal cancer?
Int J Colorectal Dis.25:425-32
Impact factor: 2.385 (2011) - Steffen T, Lüchinger R, Wildermuth S, Kern Ch, Fretz Ch, Lange J, Hetzer FH. (2010) Safety and Reliability of Radio Frequency Identification Devices in Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography.
Patient Saf Surg. 2010;4(1):2. (Impact factor: none) - Hetzer FH, Roushan AH, Wolff K, Beutner U, Borovicka J, Lange J, Marti L. (2010) Functional outcome after perineal stapled prolapse resection for external rectal prolapse.
BMC Surg.8;10(1):9.
Impact factor: 1.33 (2011) - Müller K, Marti L, Tarantino I, Jayne DG, Wolff K, Hetzer FH, (2011) Prospective Analysis of Cosmesis, Morbidity, and Patient Satisfaction Following Limberg Flap for the Treatment of Sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Sinus.
Dis Colon Rectum. 54:487-494
Impact factor: 3.103 (2011) - Sehmer D, Marti L, Wolff K, Hetzer FH. (2013) Midterm Results After Perineal Stapled Prolapse Resection for External Rectal Prolapse.
Dis Colon Rectum.56(1):91-96.
Impact factor: 3.103 (2011) - Bock S, Wolff K, Marti K, Schmied B, Hetzer FH. (2013) Long-term Outcome After Transanal Rectal Resection in Patients With Obstructed Defecation Syndrome.
Dis Colon Rectum. 56(1):146-52.
Impact factor: 3.103 (2011) - Guarnero V1, Hoffmann H, Hetzer F, Oertli D, Turina M, Zingg U, Demartines N, Ris F, Hahnloser D (2016) A new stomaplasty ring (Koring™) to prevent parastomal hernia: an observational multicenter Swiss study.
Tech Coloproctol.20(5):293-7. - Hummel B, Hardt J, Bischofberger S, Hetzer F, Warschkow R, Zadnikar M, Brunner W, Widmann B, Schmied B, Marti L (2016) New kid on the block: perineal stapled prolapse resection (PSP) is it worthwhile in the long-term?
Langenbecks Arch Surg.401(4):519-29. - Fattorini E, Brusa T, Gingert C, Hieber SE, Leung V, Osmani B, Dominietto MD, Büchler P, Hetzer F, Müller B. (2016) Artificial Muscle Devices: Innovations and Prospects for Fecal Incontinence Treatment.
Ann Biomed Eng.44(5):1355-69. - Herold A, Ommer A, Fürst A, Pakravan F, Hahnloser D, Strittmatter B, Schiedeck T, Hetzer F, Aigner F, Berg E, Roblick M, Bussen D, Joos A, Vershenya S. (2016) Results of the Gore Bio-A fistula plug implantation in the treatment of anal fistula: a multicentre study.
Tech Coloproctol.20(8):585-90. - Marti L, Galata C, Beutner U, Hetzer F, Pipitone N, Wolff K, Borovicka J, Brunner W, Sulz MC, Maurus C. Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (pTNS): success rate and the role of rectal capacity.
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2017 Apr 8. doi: 10.1007/s00384-017-2804-x. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28391449 - Wang-Chan A, Gingert C, Angst E, Hetzer FH.(2017) Clinical relevance and effect of surgical wound classification in appendicitis: Retrospective evaluation of wound classification discrepancies between surgeons, Swissnoso-trained infection control nurse, and histology as well as surgical site infection rates by wound class.
J Surg Res. Jul;215:132-139. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2017.03.034. Epub 2017 Apr 1.